


這次會議名為 “Stopping Leakers - Keeping Confidential at Apple,”,包括了近100名員工,當中包括 國際安全總監 David Rice、國際調查總監 Lee Freedman、以及國際通訊安全與培訓的 Jenny Hubbert, 三名屬於蘋果國際安全部門 (Apple’s Global Security division) 的領軍人仕,一段"Hour-long" 的錄音被送到媒體 The Outline 的手上。

比較有趣的是,內容提及了 2012 年,iPhone 5 當年由中國廠商流出了,一些零件被偷出,拍照傳給媒體以及在黑市中售賣。 Rice 指出,外洩內容的回報很高,甚至有例子是達到中國工人一年的薪金,The Outline的原文如下

Apple’s Chinese workers have plenty of incentive to leak or smuggle parts. “A lot, like 99.9 percent, of these folks are good people who are coming to a place that has a job, they're gonna make money, and they're gonna go back and start a business in their province or they're gonna do something else with it, support their family,” Rice says. “But there’s a whole slew of folks that can be tempted because what happens if I offer you, say, three months’ salary?’ In some cases we’ve seen up to a year’s worth of salary being rewarded for stealing product out of the factory.” Apple workers on the production line make approximately $350 a month, not including overtime, according to a 2016 report from China Labor Watch.


Leaked recording: Inside Apple’s global war on leakers - The Outline
Internal Apple presentation on how to handle leaks gets leaked - The Verge

